Use of electrical appliances are permitted in OCSH within certain guidelines. Generally, appliances should require no more than a thousand (1,000) watts. Adapters that allow more than one appliance to be plugged into a single socket are prohibited. Appliances used at OCSH must be safe in design and structure (such as UL-approved appliances) and must be properly maintained. Routine safety checks will be conducted by the OCSH staff to ensure proper adherence to Housing safety measures. Questions regarding the use and regulation of specific appliances should be directed to the housing staff.
Other guidelines regarding appliances:
- Cooking appliances with exposed heating elements are NOT permitted (hot plates, woks, electric skillets, some coffee makers, etc.).
- If a fire might result from something falling onto the appliance’s heating element that item is not allowed.
- Hibachi grills, camping stoves, and other similar appliances are not acceptable. However, small, electric grills may be used, but only in the kitchen areas of each apartment.
- Small oscillating fans may be used.
- Stereos and TVs are permitted, but students should always respect the comfort of their roommates and neighbors and adjust the volume accordingly. TVs are prohibited from being mounted to the walls.
- Refrigerators cannot exceed 1,000 watts and may be no larger than 18x18x24.
- Refrigerators are not to be placed in closets due to fire code.
- Additional microwaves are not permitted.