Student Complaint Policy

Weatherford College encourages students to discuss their concerns and complaints through informal conferences with the appropriate instructor or other campus administrator. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level.

If an informal conference regarding a complaint fails to reach the outcome requested by the student, the student may initiate the formal complaint process by filing a written complaint form. The student complaint form and policy can be found online here and in the Office of Student Services. Completed forms may be submitted to an instructor, college counselor, appropriate administrator or other college employee. Forms will be directed to the Executive Dean of Enrollment Management & Registrar and then forwarded to the appropriate administrator who can address the concern.

If the student did not receive the relief requested, the student may request a conference to the next level of administration by following the student complaint policy. When addressing a student complaint, the college will follow the institution’s student complaint policy, unless the complaint is regarding discrimination, harassment, retaliation, disciplinary decisions, or commissioned peace officers employed by the college. These alleged grievances are adjudicated through separate policies and have varying due process procedures.

After exhausting the institution's grievance/complaint process, current, former, and prospective students may initiate a complaint with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

For Out-of-State Students Enrolled in Weatherford College Programs:

Students within SARA states may file a complaint with the SARA Portal Agency in the home state of the institution. Students should then select their state for information on how to file a complaint.