OCSH has a strict NO SMOKING policy. Any resident found in violation of this policy and found smoking within their room or apartment will be subject to fines ($150 plus a deep cleaning and damage charges) as well as possible disciplinary action. This same policy applies to the exterior hallways—no one is to smoke inside any of the hallways or end awnings of any building. The use of “vapor” electronic cigarettes and chewing tobacco is strictly prohibited within an apartment due to safety risks and health and sanitation.
For individuals that do smoke there are smoking stations located at the bottom level of each building. They are specifically located outside of the hallways and are the only locations where smoking is permitted. Any residents or guests using these smoking stations MUST pick up any cigarette butts and utilize the smoker stations to dispose of them. If cigarette butts on the premises become an issue, new policies will be put into place and charges will apply.