Residents may have overnight guests of the same sex as themselves provided they register their guest with the OCSH office, gain consent of their roommates, and receive approval from the Housing Manager 24-hours ahead of time. At no time may a guest be unaccompanied by the resident hosting them. When an approved guest stays in a room for more than 2 nights in a ten day period, a charge of $20 per night will be assessed. A guest who wishes to stay more than 4 nights during a semester will be at the discretion of the Housing Manager. A maximum of 2 guests is allowed on a given night. Each roommate must consent to all guests. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests at all times, whether overnight or just during visitation hours. Residents should feel safe and comfortable in their room, so at any time a resident makes a request for a guest to leave the apartment, this must be honored. Visitors are expected to have identification on them at all times.
Sunday - Thursday from 10 a.m. – 12 a.m.
Friday - Saturday from 10 a.m. – 2 a.m.
Visitation hours apply to the inside of any part of OCSH. All guests need to be escorted into and out of the building by the resident. Any resident found in violation of the visitation policy will meet with the Housing Manager and are subject to possible disciplinary measures.