Student Code of Conduct and Procedure for Discipline

The mission of Weatherford College is to provide an opportunity for education to all its students. To achieve this mission, it is important to define a standard or a code of conduct for behavior that will enable students to work together and with the faculty, staff, and administration in a positive manner. The following regulations have been established by the College staff and approved by the governing board of Weatherford College and will apply on–campus, any College-sponsored or sanctioned activities, and any off-campus behavior which reflects the mission of the College.

Enrollment at Weatherford College is not compulsory. The voluntary entrance of a student into the College means that the student also voluntarily assumes obligations of performance and behavior reasonably imposed by the College. The discipline of students at Weatherford College is, in all but the case of expulsion, a part of the educational process. Disciplining students is intended to be instructional and to help them ultimately to discipline themselves

Weatherford College is an institution of higher learning. The rules and regulations are designed to ensure optimal conditions for learning for all students. The standard of code of conduct for students is seen as a foundation of behavior rather than arbitrary limits on behavior.

Student Conduct

The conduct of Weatherford College students both on and off-campus is expected to be that of any responsible adult in a public place. Students should consider at all times the effect of their actions on the reputation of the College. It is recognized that each student has the inherent right to free speech and free thought. However, it is also recognized that these rights must be extended to all other individuals. With these statements as guidelines, the College reserves the right to immediately suspend any student found guilty of a felony; found guilty of the possession or use of narcotics; engaged in action that disrupts or interferes with regular College classes or a College-sanctioned function; found guilty of academic dishonesty or who is responsible for the obstruction of the normal administrative operations of the College. The length of suspension will be dependent on nature, severity, and future risk to the campus community.

Student Appeals

Any student disciplined under this policy may appeal the ruling before the Appeals Committee. If dissatisfied with the ruling of the Appeals Committee, the student or the administrative officers of the College may appeal to the College President for a disposition of the case.

An expelled student will be dropped from all classes and will receive grades that are consistent with the withdrawal policy in this catalog. The expulsion status will be reflected on the student's transcript. Certain forms of authority for disciplinary actions are traditionally delegated to the faculty of Weatherford College. Disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. The same policy applies in cases of academic dishonesty.

Additionally, faculty may request through the Department Chair and appropriate Instructional Dean or Campus Director that disciplinary action is considered at the administrative level.